Bench denture crystal furnace

Release time: 2021-09-29 07:10:50  Number of views: 1221


Machinery description

Bench denture crystallizing furnace, using high purity and high density silicon carbon rod heating element, the highest working temperature is 1550℃. Ring heating ensures high temperature uniformity of denture heating environment. The furnace is fine made of high purity polycrystalline fiber materials. The control system adopts the embedded operating system of the industry NBD-101E, and the touch screen visual guide operation. It can enter the working state in 5 minutes and display the dynamic sintering power and sintering process in real time. Single batch sintering Φ100mm sintering plate, single furnace can be placed 2 layers, giving the product value of the price!

The heating body adopts high purity and high density silicon carbon rod, ring cleaning heating process, airway smoke removal and dust removal design, which can effectively exclude organic matter, not only can complete efficient uniform temperature sintering, but also can be used for wax removal and ashing treatment.

Configuration details

1. Desktop design, easy to move and operate;
2. Electric lifting platform, easy and fast loading. Ring heater, uniform temperature field;
3. Single furnace can burn about 30~50 pieces, up to 2 layers;
4. Modular structure, durable and easy to maintain;
5. The top of the furnace is provided with an exhaust hole, which can sweep away the volatiles of dry pre-burning;
6. One key operation is simple and convenient, pre-stored 15 working curves, whatever you want;
7. Real-time sintering temperature and power monitoring, safety and power saving.




AC220V   2.5KW


1550℃(<1 hour)

load mode

bottom loading

reachable heating rate


chamber size


control system

1. Can prestore 15 denture sintering curves of various manufacturers, call at will. Each curve can be set 30 sections of "temperature-time" axis, to avoid the trouble caused by the repeated setting of different experimental processes;
2. It has the functions of overtemperature alarm, broken couple prompt, leakage protection and so on.

Temperature accuracy

+/- 1℃

heating element

Special high density silicon carbon heating element

Net weight



If you want to sinter zirconium discs soaked with dye, be sure to dry them completely before placing them in the equipment for sintering to extend the service life of the equipment.

Service support

1 year warranty with lifetime support (The warranty does not include consumable parts, such as furnace tubes and sealing rings).

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