Double deck box furnace
Release time: 2020-04-11 03:59:13 Number of views: 2164
The equipment is used in all kinds of materials sintering, annealing, etc.It is the ideal equipment for industrial and mining enterprises, laboratories and research institutes。Insulation using fiber material, more energy saving。The power supply adopts the imported IGBT power device, which is more integrated and miniaturized, and the effective output power reaches more than 90%!
The equipment is used in all kinds of materials sintering, annealing, etc.It is the ideal equipment for industrial and mining enterprises, laboratories and research institutes。Insulation using fiber material, more energy saving。The power supply adopts the imported IGBT power device, which is more integrated and miniaturized, and the effective output power reaches more than 90%!
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Vacuum storage cabinet
Large scale multi temperature zone vacuum tube furnace
High vacuum atmosphere muffle furnace
Large capacity muffle furnace 1700℃
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