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Xi'an Institute of Lacquer Coatings of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives

Release time:2024-06-24  Number of views:126

On the path of pursuing scientific research innovation and material performance optimization, the Xi'an Institute of Lacquer Coatings of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (hereinafter referred to as the "Institute") has chosen to deeply cooperate with the XX experimental electric furnace brand, introducing a series of high-performance experimental electric furnaces to support its in-depth research and product development in the field of lacquer coatings. This cooperation not only demonstrates the high requirements of the research institute for the quality of scientific research equipment, but also showcases the excellent performance and after-sales support capabilities of the Nobody brand tube furnace in complex experimental environments.

As a national level scientific research institution, the research institute has long been committed to the scientific research of raw paint and coatings, and has extremely strict standards for the accuracy, stability, and applicability of experimental electric furnaces. Faced with complex experimental requirements, the research institute has undergone multiple rounds of evaluation and ultimately decided to cooperate with the Nobardi brand to purchase a batch of tube furnaces for key processes such as high-temperature treatment, material synthesis, and thermal performance testing.

Based on the specific needs of the research institute, Nobody provides tubular retention that can adapt to the characteristics of raw lacquer materials, including multi temperature zone control, precise temperature uniformity, and good atmosphere control ability, to meet the material processing requirements under different experimental conditions.

The relevant person in charge of the research institute said, "The introduction of the Nabardi tube furnace has greatly improved our experimental efficiency and research quality. Its excellent performance and meticulous after-sales service have provided strong support for us to overcome scientific research difficulties. Especially in terms of after-sales response speed and technical support, Nobody has demonstrated its professionalism and sense of responsibility, and is our trusted partner."

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